Green Tea Extract 98% Tea Polyphenols

What Is Green Tea Polyphenols ?

Green tea extracts exhibit stronger antioxidant protection for human body than vitamin C and vitamin E. Scavenging effect of lipid free-radicals (one antioxidant property) of polyphenols in green tea extracts can be clearly observed in experiments. The ability of GTP in green tea extracts to eliminate lipid-derived free radicals is noticeably stronger (almost 50 times) than that of ginkgo biloba extracts. Further investigations indicate that the boosting level of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione dismutase (GSHPx) may account for the inhibitory effect of GTC against lipid oxidation (rancidification). It should be mentioned that from the antioxidant perspective, green tea extracts are, generally speaking, more effective than black tea extracts due to the better preservation of catechins.

Moreover, the anticarcinogenic property make the green tea extracts a hotspot in recent scientific researches. In many experiments, green tea extracts show inhibitory effects on cancer cells. In vitro assays, Catechin and caffeine, which are main components in green tea extracts, block the cell cycle of cancer cells (cytotoxicity) and induce programmed cell death; in vivo, green tea extracts also inhibits prostatic carcinoma transplanted in nude mice.

In addition, green tea extracts also contain a wide-ranged anti-inflammatory characteristics, so it may be helpful in treating chronic inflammatory states. The bactericidal activity against S.mutans is conspicuous in Japanese green tea extracts, and the maltose level in mouth is consistently lower after drinking tea. Therefore, green tea extracts may be effective in oral hygiene maintenance.

Benefit of Green Tea Extract Polyphenols

1. Assists Weight Loss of Green Tea Extract Polyphenols

The ECGC contained in green tea extract limits the negative effects of a fatty diet and smoking. Consumption of green tea extract enhances the process of thermogenesis and increases the rate of metabolism of fat, without increasing the heart rate. Hence, consuming green tea extract can help you lose weight without jitteriness or feelings of anxiety. When you drink the beverage, it makes you feel full and discourages you from eating. The extract also helps your body burn more calories. All these factors make green tea an essential supplement in your weight loss program.

2. Prevents Tooth Decay of Green Tea Extract Polyphenols

Green tea extract has the ability to destroy plaque-causing bacteria and helps prevent tooth decay.

3. Lowers Cholesterol and Blood Pressure of Green Tea Extract Polyphenols

Green tea extract helps to lower the LDL (bad) cholesterol that’s responsible for clotting of blood. The extract helps prevent strokes and heart attacks. It promotes the production

of HDL (good) cholesterol that removes the plaque in the arteries and keeps them elastic. This lowers your risks of suffering from heart disease. Persons suffering from hypertension

also benefit by consuming green tea extract, because it lowers blood pressure.

4. Fights Cancer of Green Tea Extract Polyphenols

Green tea extract is rich in antioxidants, such as ECGC, that kill cancer cells and prevent their growth without harming healthy tissue. Consumption of this extract is especially beneficial to patients suffering from breast, lung, skin, liver, bladder, pancreatic, stomach or prostate cancer.

5. Prevents Inflammation of Green Tea Extract Polyphenols

Arthritic patients find that consuming green tea extract decreases the pain in their joints, because it prevents inflammation which in turn decreases wear and tear of the joints. The extract also slows the breakdown of cartilage and provides relief to patients suffering from arthritis.

6. Controls Blood Sugar Levels of Green Tea Extract Polyphenols

The polyphenols present in green tea extract reduce the amount of amylase that’s produced by the body. Amylase is the enzyme that converts starch into sugar. Consuming green tea helps to decrease blood sugar levels and thus helps keep diabetes under control.

7. Prevents Liver Disease of  Green Tea Extract Polyphenols

Green tea protects the liver from toxins and thus helps prevent liver disease.

8. Slows the Aging Process of Green Tea Extract Polyphenols 

The antioxidants present in green tea extract are responsible for slowing down the aging process of the body. This helps you look younger.

9. Fights Infection of Green Tea Extract Polyphenols

Green tea extract is antibacterial and antiviral, and helps the body fight respiratory and digestive infections such as influenza and diarrhea. Green tea extract also helps increase the rate of metabolism of carbohydrates, reduces stress, cures headaches, improves digestion, boosts the immune system and increases your life expectancy.






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